Sunday, May 10, 2009

Week 1 Day 1

Well, this was the first day of my Biggest Loser Challenge. It went very well and is still going very well. When my step-dad said he wanted a double cheese burger from Sonic (my fave) I was willing to get it for him and also wanted one for myself. I chose instead to get a Grilled Chicken Fiesta salad and it was awesome and it filled me up. I am doing really well. I am still at my mom's house and things here are going well didn't really get a chance to go out and do some walking but I did a few sit ups and such and when I get home later tonight I will do about 2 hours of exercise.

Oh, I wanted to talk about how much I weigh now and also, how much I want to get down to by the ending of this 18 week journey which by the way ends September 13, 2009!!

Right now, I weighed myself this morning and I'm at 283.4 LBS. That is 128.8 KG.. wow!!

I am very determined and going to bring my weight down to my goal of 175 LBS which is 79.5 KG! That's what I'm after at this moment and by this september, it will be accomplished, no joke.

For breakfast, I had a bowl of cereal and skim milk with a banana, for lunch, I had a Fiesta Grilled Chicken Salad from Sonic, for supper I'm having skinless baked chicken and some veggies!! Snacks between meals were fruits, apples, oranges and bananas! Tons of water were also drank! I had to go to the bathroom alot LOL!!

Well, sofar, today, I feel really great!!

Thanks for reading and taking this journey with me!!

God Bless you ALL!!
P.S. When I get home, I will try to upload a "before" picture as I will upload a new picture of me every Sunday so you all can see the changes that I might not be able to see!!


  1. Wow. We are (well, I gùess, WERE) the aboùt the same weight.. Im 129.0kg..

    Congrats on the good work, and keep it ùp!

    Jùst a few words of advice..

    Try to beware of the fast food "healthy options". They still pack in alot of salts, sùgars, and hidden fats.

    Its always safer, healthier, and ùsùally cheaper to jùst get the ingredients to do it yoùrself.

    With salads or anything with saùce, try dipping yoùr fork (not scooping) into the dressing before stabbing yoùr food, that way yoù still get the taste withoùt the extra calories.

    Try to aim for as mùch fiber as yoù can get.. Heres a great site with fiber info:

    Heres a good site for organic food coùpons:

    Here's one last link for a healthy mac n cheese in a box. Fiber Goùrmet is a great pasta. Healthy and tastes wonderfùl. Has less calories and a lot of fiber. Try it oùt!

    If yoù need anyone to talk to, a little motivation or jùst someone to chat with, yoù can find me at my blog or PAN on BBC :)

  2. Wow.. sorry that was so long.. =/

    And I forgot to say... GOOD LùCK!!!
